Thursday 27 September 2012


blood nd blood
spilled all over me
i hv this one question
am i here supposed to b?

against the time
nd against the rustling wind
i ran and ran to feel the pain
wud hv it been nice if wsnt thr

all tht matters seemed to go away
far from my life into the deep
below my chest lies a heart
which dont know y
cares for all tht i longed for

happy are the people
good is the season
its raining
but somehow my eyes are crying
crying with sorrows nd the pain

the first ray of sun rises over the horizon
where is the time now
it seems all is gone

never longed for the love
never for the care
bt does tht mean
tht im ought to wear
the cloak of sadness

blood is all now what i see
the blood drained for others
the blood tht came in form of love
deep frm my heart
which is now crying
the drops falling are vesting me into it
sucking me inside deep down
now for all the world tht cn see me
im just a clown.


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