Monday 5 November 2012

no matter wtevr u do
no matter all all i hv to go thru
i knw one thng tht ill nvr gv hpe upon u

let me wsh fr my last if its fr u
let me suffer nd fite fr wts rte
until its just for u

i dnt fear to go thru mny storms
nor im afraid of my death
wt im just afraid is living wthout u

if thts is wt ppl say is madness
i accept tht so
but fr me its as imp as ths life thts left in me

i cnt accept defeat is my weak point
but wt i cnt accept ever is finding u away fr me

wtevr i did wth u ws nt my wish
it ws just the feelings tht cme thru
i dnt wnt ths to b the reason fr end of wts left wth us
fr tht im ready to accept nythng thts worth

bt i hvnt gvn up yet on u
thts all cz smwhr evn now i trst u .......


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